title sent by Jon
Thinking of You
Painting over KrisCrash’s quick sketches.
The Ugliest Lobster I Have Seen
Don’t Let The Penguin Out of the Box
title sent by wendyw
That Shouldn’t Be On Fire
Title sent by Grant
The Man With the Robot Brain
title sent by wendyw
They Held Me Too Close
Title sent by Aaron
I’ll Bet Zombies Hate Fast Food
title sent by Daniel
I Dream of Becoming Half Sloth
I was at a high school graduation the other day, and heard the best valedictorian send off speech ever. This girl managed to get multiple star trek references into her speech, and went on to explain that throughout life she had dreams of becoming Pocahontas, then a princess, then an x-man, then a Vulcan, then Japanese, and maybe I don’t know half sloth. Best speech ever.
Titles Are Hard to Come By
Title sent by subsocial.