Sanlando Park

Sanlando Park will always hold a special place in my heart. I fought with Youkai Kobukai, a foam sword fighting group, for a little over two years at that park.sanlandoPark12-31-12

Mall Sketches

I got a new noodler’s ahab flex nib fountain pen a few days ago. I tested out the pen last night with some mall sketches. So far the pen writes great with a nice range of line width variance.mall12-29-12_002Faces




I painted this watercolor sketch after a run. I found the sunlight behind the trees appealing. Unfortunately I didn’t capture the feeling I wanted.

Lake Lily

I took my nephew over to Lake Lily Sunday to play on the playground. I forgot that there is a farmer’s market out there on Sunday mornings. The guy with the hat was selling popcorn.lakeLilyPlayground001



Sketch Dump and Remembering How to Draw

I haven’t done much drawing over the last year or so. I didn’t realize how rusty I was until I went to a live model drawing session over at a comic shop. All the poses under 10 minutes seemed like they were going by instantly.  So I started drawing more. I started keeping a clip board with blank paper nearby, and this helped me throw down some quick sketches as ideas came to mind. These are some of the drawings from late October to the end of November. Most of them are random ideas that came to mind or sketches from browsing the internet or watching tv.